University College Dublin Careers Network

UCD is a dynamic, modern University. UCD Careers Network joins the dots between students’ time at uni and their future careers, with experienced consultants to help them get ahead.

"Having done all the strategic ground work in house to transform the Careers Network, we turned to IE to bring it all to life through our brand. They did a fantastic job of engaging and exciting the whole team and reminding us how great we are at what we do! They understood us, and exposed the value we deliver to our key audiences in an engaging and accessible way.
"The new website guides students through the actions they can take and the help they need. We love the vibrant new visual identity, and the brand guidelines, templates and collateral have made the roll-out easy."
David Foster
Director, UCD Careers Network
Before we landed
UCD’s Career Development Centre had been transformed from a highly centralised service to a distributed model, and the emphasis had shifted from ‘careers guidance’ towards enhancing student employability. They had a strong presence on campus and a positive reputation, but their comms were visually inconsistent, their messaging weak, and their website was unengaging and no longer fit for purpose.
The challenge we were set
Review and refresh the service’s visual identity and messaging to reflect the breadth of services, expertise and professionalism now on offer. Develop a new website, communications strategy, and suite of marketing materials.
The difference we made
- Renaming Career Development Centre to Careers Network.
- Marketing messaging and visuals based around a selection of hand-drawn graphics and aspirational ‘joining the dots’ couplets: “Dublin…..World”, “Unsure…..Empowered” etc.
- A colourful new visual identity to appeal to and motivate UCD’s confident, hard working, sociable and energetic students.
- New ‘Terminal 4’ website based on user journeys across three student groups – based on their plans after uni – and employers.
- A user friendly online destination to engage students and help them to find the information they need – without the need to visit the centre.
- Integration with an events feed, social media and with CareersConnect for job vacancies.