University of York

University of York careers service brand by IE Brand – giant lettering in the landscape saying "Skill – Build It"

The University of York is a top 20 UK university with a strong record of employability – it comes top of all the Russell Group universities for the proportion of graduates in work or further study three years after leaving. 

In spite – or perhaps because – of that success, the Careers brand had been neglected and no longer represented the services on offer. They needed to increase visibility and drive engagement with a compelling strategy, simplified brand architecture, clear and concise messaging and an arresting visual identity. 

IE Brand helped UoY to achieve just that, creating a more mature brand for Careers with strong calls to action and a more challenging tone. The new brand sets expectations higher and emphasises a less passive, partnership approach between students and the careers team to maximise their prospects.

Read more about York's careers brand or explore IE's other rebranding work with university careers services.

"IE Brand's sector expertise, combined with their collaborative, co-creation approach, has enabled us to introduce a university wide employability brand that all key stakeholders are really pleased with. Since being unveiled, the high quality, impactful visuals have been championed by central Marketing and adopted by key employability providers to deliver consistent and engaging messaging to our students."
Louise Thurston
Strategic Project Manager: Communications and Engagement (Careers and Placements, Student and Academic Services)